Thursday, October 13, 2011

advantage of investing in retirement plan under 401k system and ...

?If a man is valuable, his deeds will in some way outlive his life.? -Bill Loftus, Inventor

The Financial Freedom Foundation (F3) is a non-profit organization that teaches people how to create more passive income than their living expenses, so that they can quit living for a job and start dedicating their time and talents to giving back.

Personal financial independence is necessary in order to free up your time. However, financial independence is not the end goal, but rather an initial step, just the beginning step.

We?ll show you how to create $10k/month in passive income, so that you can cover your living expenses and quit your job, and then another $20k/month+ on top of that, so that you can have funds for helping other people. We have the tools to accomplish this, and we?ll show you exactly how to implement them. Money is very scalable, so you can actually get up into the millions, which will happen as your vision for what you want to accomplish increases.

Instead of trying to get wealthy people to become generous, we are teaching generous people how to create and control wealth, so that they can help others.

As to becoming a member in our Mastermind Group, we do not have any preferences as to age, gender, race, religion, level of education, or nationality ? however, we are seeking people who:

  • Are self-driven, independent thinkers who are decision makers
  • Are happy living a moderate lifestyle, even if they were to make $1 million monthly
  • Sincerely want to give back and help others
  • Care about people more than they care about things
  • Do not really care for status symbols, like yachts, mansions, or fancy cars
  • Do not seek for the glory of the world, nor power, nor fame
  • View money as a stewardship rather than a prize
  • View money as a tool rather than a goal
  • Are comfortable taking initiative, calling the shots, and not having a boss
  • Can create their own vision and run their own humanitarian projects
  • Are okay with giving anonymously and not having the spotlight trained on them
  • Are willing to learn

If this does not describe you, don?t bother to continue reading.

If this does describe you, then please download the information in our Free Report and continue forward in our screening process.

We hand select people to join our Mastermind Group. If you would like to be considered, we ask you to:

  1. Read our Free Reports,
  2. Read our Details page, and
  3. Complete the essays in our Membership Application Form

(The links to access the Details page and the Membership Application Form are found in the Free Reports, which you can access by entering your Name and Email address in the box to the upper right and clicking the ?Give Me My Free Report Now? button)

We believe that it is the personal responsibility of private citizens to care for the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the sick, and the elderly. We invite people to take more initiative in doing so, using their private sector skill sets to do this more effectively. We believe that the solutions to global poverty, world hunger, homelessness, and almost all our social, physical, mental, and economic problems rest in the hearts and minds of private individuals acting generously.

If you are ready to move to the next step, please download the Free Report now, using the box to the upper right.

?Never underestimate the ability of a few committed people to change the world.? ? Jason Kaufman

Legal Disclaimer: The Financial Freedom Foundation is not a United States Securities Dealer, Broker or US Investment Adviser. Forex, futures, stock, and options trading are not appropriate for everyone. Trading and investing in the stock, Forex, futures, and options markets have large potential rewards. However, there is also a substantial risk of loss associated with trading these markets. Losses can and will occur. You are solely responsible for any losses as a result of trading. Never put your money on the line without an understanding of what you are doing, and why you are doing it, based on your own personal knowledge and experience. Results, depicted above are unique to the user. Your personal results will vary. You could make more, less, or even lose money. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits. No representation or implication is being made that using the information will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses. Traders should consult their own financial advisers regarding any securities transaction, and be responsible for their own investment decisions.

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