Sunday, April 8, 2012

Does Your Internet Marketing Business Comply With USA Internet ...


Does your commercial website comply with USA Internet business law?

All too many people who want to work for themselves believe they will be totally free once they have set up their own Internet marketing business. However, if you have started working online yourself, you have probably realized by now that this isn?t really true ? but maybe you are not sure what steps you ought to take to make sure you are operating within the law.

In this article I will briefly mention some of the steps you need to take when setting up an Internet marketing business in the USA. Even if you do not live in America, you probably need to take these steps to comply with the law in your country of residence.

While you certainly will have more freedom than those who work for someone else, there are a few things you?ll still need to take care of on the ?business side of things.?

One of the big things you need to get right is making sure your online business is legal. The first thing you should do when you set up an online business is register for a tax ID number. Go to page to apply for this number. It will be used in place of your SSN.

When you receive your tax ID number you will be all set to start moving forward with the other aspects of your online business.

Next, you will also want to get a seller?s permit or a resale card, which will allow you to buy the items that you plan to sell without having to pay taxes.

The taxes will be paid by the end-user, when they purchase the item from you. If you are running an online business on your own, you will also want to make sure you file your taxes as a sole proprietor. While it might seem easier to list yourself as ?self employed? on your tax returns, you will be able to take advantage of a lot more tax breaks and loopholes if you are registered as a sole proprietorship.

Finally, realize that you will need a business license ? even if you are simply operating an online business. In order to secure a business license, visit www.boe.(your state).gov, and check the specifications for your state.

Having taken those steps to ensure that you are operating as a legal entity, you will then need to consider how to keep your commercial website on the right side of the law as well.

There are two steps you need to take to do that.

First you need to post some kind of ?terms of service? information on your website.

Then, you need to post a ?privacy policy,? which explains what steps you take to protect any information that people may give you when interacting with your website. Another area to consider is mailing lists.

Not only will you need to give reassurances as to privacy, and the terms under which you operate, you will also have to post your name and operating address in each piece of mail that you send out.

Also, you will need to operate a ?double opt-in? policy to ensure that your list is populated by people who have agreed to join it and taken some kind of action to demonstrate that agreement, usually in the form of clicking a confirmation link in an email sent to them by your auto-responder after they have signed up to your list.

Once you have conquered these steps, you will be ready to move forward with your business ? knowing that you have taken care of all the legal steps that need to be done to comply with USA Internet business law.

Click the link to see and listen to a shorter version of this USA Internet business law as a text video. Find out more about starting your own Internet marketing business on the same website.

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