Wednesday, November 14, 2012

T&E expenses: Set boundaries on temporary assignments ...

When you travel away from your home on business, you can deduct your gas and related expenses. But you generally can?t write off ?commuting? expenses, although there are several exceptions in the tax law.

Strategy: Keep temporary assignments to less than one year. As a result, you may be able to write off your travel expenses between your home and the temporary job site.

However, if the assignment lasts indefinitely, you won?t qualify for deductions under this special tax law exception.

The IRS defines a ?temporary assignment? as one that is realistically expected to last (and does last) for one year or less. However, if the assignment is expected to last longer than one year, it is treated as an indefinite assignment, even if you wrap up the work in less than one year. Travel ex??penses for indefinite assignments are nondeductible.

Furthermore, to deduct travel expenses while away on a temporary assignment, the work location must be outside the metropolitan area where you normally live and work.

New case: A construction worker residing in Manchester, Ohio, commuted to five temporary work sites in 2007. None of the jobs lasted longer than a few months. The temporary work sites ranged in distance from 74 miles to 96 miles from his home. His employer did not reimburse the worker for travel expenses.

On his 2007 federal income tax return, the worker claimed a deduction of nearly $24,000. But the IRS disallowed almost all of it.

The worker?s own testimony before the Tax Court did him in. He stated, ?My main area is Cincinnati. Cincinnati metro?poli??tan area.? Because the temporary work sites weren?t outside the metropolitan area where he normally lived and worked, the Tax Court sided with the IRS. (Saunders, TC Memo 2012-200)

Tip: If an employer reimburses travel costs, the reimbursements are generally tax-free to employees.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Meditation appears to produce enduring changes in emotional processing in the brain

ScienceDaily (Nov. 12, 2012) ? A new study has found that participating in an 8-week meditation training program can have measurable effects on how the brain functions even when someone is not actively meditating. In their report in the November issue of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Boston University (BU), and several other research centers also found differences in those effects based on the specific type of meditation practiced.

"The two different types of meditation training our study participants completed yielded some differences in the response of the amygdala -- a part of the brain known for decades to be important for emotion -- to images with emotional content," says Ga?lle Desbordes, PhD, a research fellow at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at MGH and at the BU Center for Computational Neuroscience and Neural Technology, corresponding author of the report. "This is the first time that meditation training has been shown to affect emotional processing in the brain outside of a meditative state."

Several previous studies have supported the hypothesis that meditation training improves practitioners' emotional regulation. While neuroimaging studies have found that meditation training appeared to decrease activation of the amygdala -- a structure at the base of the brain that is known to have a role in processing memory and emotion -- those changes were only observed while study participants were meditating. The current study was designed to test the hypothesis that meditation training could also produce a generalized reduction in amygdala response to emotional stimuli, measurable by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Participants had enrolled in a larger investigation into the effects of two forms of meditation, based at Emory University in Atlanta. Healthy adults with no experience meditating participated in 8-week courses in either mindful attention meditation -- the most commonly studied form that focuses on developing attention and awareness of breathing, thoughts and emotions -- and compassion meditation, a less-studied form that includes methods designed to develop loving kindness and compassion for oneself and for others. A control group participated in an 8-week health education course.

Within three weeks before beginning and three weeks after completing the training, 12 participants from each group traveled to Boston for fMRI brain imaging at the Martinos Center's state-of-the-art imaging facilities. Brain scans were performed as the volunteers viewed a series of 216 different images -- 108 per session -- of people in situations with either positive, negative or neutral emotional content. Meditation was not mentioned in pre-imaging instructions to participants, and investigators confirmed afterwards that the volunteers had not meditated while in the scanner. Participants also completed assessments of symptoms of depression and anxiety before and after the training programs.

In the mindful attention group, the after-training brain scans showed a decrease in activation in the right amygdala in response to all images, supporting the hypothesis that meditation can improve emotional stability and response to stress. In the compassion meditation group, right amygdala activity also decreased in response to positive or neutral images. But among those who reported practicing compassion meditation most frequently outside of the training sessions, right amygdala activity tended to increase in response to negative images -- all of which depicted some form of human suffering. No significant changes were seen in the control group or in the left amygdala of any study participants.

"We think these two forms of meditation cultivate different aspects of mind," Desbordes explains. "Since compassion meditation is designed to enhance compassionate feelings, it makes sense that it could increase amygdala response to seeing people suffer. Increased amygdala activation was also correlated with decreased depression scores in the compassion meditation group, which suggests that having more compassion towards others may also be beneficial for oneself. Overall, these results are consistent with the overarching hypothesis that meditation may result in enduring, beneficial changes in brain function, especially in the area of emotional processing."

Eric Schwartz, PhD, of the BU Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Center for Computational Neuroscience and Neural Technology, is senior author of the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience report. Additional co-authors are Lobsang T. Negi, PhD, and Thaddeus Pace, PhD, Emory University; Alan Wallace, PhD, Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies; and Charles Raison, MD, University of Arizona College of Medicine. The study was supported by grants from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, including an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grant to Boston University.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts General Hospital.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ga?lle Desbordes, Lobsang T. Negi, Thaddeus W. W. Pace, B. Alan Wallace, Charles L. Raison, Eric L. Schwartz. Effects of mindful-attention and compassion meditation training on amygdala response to emotional stimuli in an ordinary, non-meditative state. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2012; 6 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00292

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Feinstein: Petraeus may stay be called in Benghazi inquiry

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite an adultery scandal that ended David Petraeus' tenure as CIA chief, the general may be called to testify in a Senate inquiry into the killing of four Americans at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Senator Dianne Feinstein said Sunday.

Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on the "Fox News Sunday" program that Petraeus' resignation on Friday "was like a lightning bolt."

She said there will be an investigation into why the FBI failed to inform her and others on the intelligence committee before Friday about the extramarital affair between Petraeus and his biographer, Paula Broadwell, when the FBI probe had been proceeding for weeks.

The California Democrat said there was no connection between Petraeus' resignation and the September 11, 2012, killings in Benghazi. Petraeus had been scheduled to testify about the Benghazi case on Thursday in a closed session of the committee; Mike Morrell, the acting CIA director, is now expected to do so.

She said the committee may decide to call Petraeus in a future meeting of the intelligence panel on the Benghazi killings. Four U.S. citizens were killed, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

"My biggest concern is, there are literally hundreds of threat warnings in the material that has been accumulated," Feinstein said. "There were five attacks during the year, one prior attack on the consulate itself. The question I have is ... why wasn't something done about it?"

U.S. Representative Peter King, the Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, raised questions about why it took FBI investigators so long to inform President Barack Obama and others in his administration that Petraeus was involved.


"The timeline has to be looked at and analyzed," the New York congressman said on CNN's "State of the Union. "Because obviously this was a matter involving a potential compromise of security and the president should have been told about it at the earliest stage."

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said he was ready to turn the page on the scandal that prompted Petraeus to resign, but said the former general must testify before Congress about what he called a "national security failure" at Benghazi.

Graham, of South Carolina, called for a Watergate-style joint select committee of members of the House and Senate to investigate the matter.

Speaking on "Face the Nation" on CBS, Graham said the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community have much to explain in this case, but singled out Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, for her role.

"I don't, quite frankly, trust her rendition of Benghazi," Graham said. Rice initially described the attack as a spontaneous outburst rather than a planned attack. Her handling of the matter provided fodder to Republican opponents in the final months of Obama's re-election campaign.

Rice has been mentioned as a possible choice by Obama to succeed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but Graham said Rice's nomination to this post "would have incredibly difficult time getting through the Senate."

"I would not vote for her unless there's a tremendous opening up of information explaining herself in a way she has not yet done," Graham said of Rice.

(Editing by Doina Chiacu)


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Monday, November 12, 2012

Many on NY's Long Island still dark after Sandy

A front loader works to remove sand and debris as night falls on the Rockaway neighborhood in the Queens borough of New York, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012, in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

A front loader works to remove sand and debris as night falls on the Rockaway neighborhood in the Queens borough of New York, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012, in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

A front loader works to remove sand and debris as night falls on the Rockaway neighborhood in the Queens borough, of New York, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012, in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

Volunteer Ashling Coleman and her husband Jerry Coleman of New York throw out the last load of debris for the day from the home of John and Ann Garvey, background left, which was damaged in the Rockaway Park neighborhood in the Queens borough of New York, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012, from Superstorm Sandy. The Colemans, bringing other family members with them, came to the neighborhood today just to see if they could find anyone who needed help. They found the Garvey's home, offered their assistance, and were gladly welcomed in. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

(AP) ? More than 70,000 customers of Long Island Power Authority in New York were without electricity Monday, two weeks after Superstorm Sandy struck, and the often-criticized government entity mostly blamed factors beyond its control.

LIPA had restored power to nearly 1.1 million customers by Monday morning. Of those still in the dark, 46,300 mainly along Long Island's south shore and Rockaway Peninsula had water damage to electrical panels and wiring and their service can't be restored without an inspection and possibly repairs.

State officials have criticized the utility for poor customer communications after Tropical Storm Irene last year and for insufficient tree trimming maintenance. LIPA, a nonprofit whose board is chosen by the governor and lawmakers, contracts with National Grid for service and maintenance.

The lack of power restoration for a relative few in the densely populated region at the heart of the storm reinforced Sandy's fractured effect on the area: tragic and vicious to some, merely a nuisance to others.

Perhaps none of the utilities have drawn criticism as widespread, or as harsh, as LIPA.

"We certainly understand the frustration that's out there," LIPA's chief operating officer, Michael Hervey, said in a conference call late Sunday. But, he said, the storm had been worse than expected, no utility had as many workers in place beforehand as it would have liked, and the power was coming back rapidly "compared to the damage that's been incurred."

LIPA has said it knows that customers aren't getting the information they need, partly because of an outdated information technology system that it is updating.

"I was so disgusted the other night," said Carrie Baram, 56, of Baldwin Harbor, who said she calls the utility three times a day. "I was up till midnight, but nobody bothered to answer the telephone."

Executives said Sunday that they were working on setting up information centers near the most heavily damaged areas. The company also said it had deployed 6,400 linemen to work on restoring power, compared to 200 on a normal day.

"'They're working on it, they're working on it' ? that would be their common response," Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano said, describing LIPA's interaction with his office.

He said LIPA had failed to answer even simple questions from its customers and that Sandy's magnitude wasn't an excuse.

Cleanup continues in New York and New Jersey, which bore the brunt of the destruction. At its peak, the storm knocked out power to 8.5 million in 10 states, and some during a later nor'easter. About 73,000 utility customers in New York and New Jersey remained without power late Sunday, most of them on Long Island.

On hard-hit Staten Island, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano visited with disaster-relief workers Sunday in the Midland Beach neighborhood, which is still devastated two weeks after Sandy hit.

Napolitano said "a lot of progress" had been made since the storm hit and especially since her last visit 10 days earlier.

"It seems like a different place," she said. "You can really tell the difference."

But, she added, there was a lot more to do. "The last big chunk" to solve, she said, is the question of how quickly power can be returned to thousands of homes without it.

If homes are not inhabitable even after power returns, she said, the government is finding temporary apartments and hotels where evacuees can stay ? preferably in the same community so kids can continue going to the same schools.

Associated Press


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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Outsourcing Helps Strengthen Your Start-up | BusinessBlogs Hub

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The article describes some companies that found great success when they allowed certain practices to be taken care of outside the office. In a nutshell, here are the reasons why they found these methods so helpful.

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While it might seem reasonable to think that outsourcing so many departments would lead to an overall loss of control, the individuals who report from the front lines will tell you otherwise. Lief Schneider, managing partner at Schneider Bartosch Communications, was asked about providing good service while outsourcing. He says, ?You don?t need to be an expert in everything ? in fact no one can be, or should claim to be ? but you do need to have access to the best experts and you do need to know how to manage them. We effectively outsource any work that is not senior managerial activity.? The mark of any good manager is the ability to effectively delegate work, whether it?s to the person in the cubicle next door or to a firm halfway around the world.

These people have found success by relinquishing the less hand-on portions of their business to workers outside their offices. Ziptask hopes to help business accomplish these same goals, with the added advantage that with their system, you don?t need to waste time tracking down the perfect worker. If you want your start-up to operate like the big guys, outsource the small stuff to give yourself the time and brainpower for the larger issues, and your bank statements will confirm the wisdom of your choice.

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    Seth Weinstein writes the Work 3.0 blog for Ziptask, a platform designed from the ground-up for customers to quickly, easily and painlessly hire freelancers for projects. Clients send their work to Ziptask, which handles the entirety of the interview, qualification, negotiation, and quality assurance process. Ziptask charges per-minute for work done, with prices ranging from 39 to 69 cents a minute and approved by the customer before work begins. Visit:


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    Syria's opposition urges West to send rebels arms

    Syrians who fled from the violence in their village, carry plastic containers as they line up to fill them with water at a displaced camp, in the Syrian village of Atma, near the Turkish border with Syria. Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra)

    Syrians who fled from the violence in their village, carry plastic containers as they line up to fill them with water at a displaced camp, in the Syrian village of Atma, near the Turkish border with Syria. Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra)

    Two Syrian boys who fled with their family from the violence in their village, sit in front of a tent at a displaced camp, in the Syrian village of Atma, near the Turkish border with Syria. Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra)

    A Syrian elderly disabled man who fled from the violence in his village, prays in front of his tent at a displaced camp, in the Syrian village of Atma, near the Turkish border with Syria. Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra)

    George Sabra, the new head of the main Syrian opposition bloc in exile, the Syrian National Council, speaks to reporters during a press conference on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the Syrian National Council meeting in Doha, Qatar, Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012. Sabra struck a combative tone Saturday, saying international inaction rather than divisions among anti-regime groups are to blame for the inability to end the bloodshed in Syria. (AP Photo/Osama Faisal)

    George Sabra, the new head of the main Syrian opposition bloc in exile, the Syrian National Council, speaks to reporters during a press conference on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the Syrian National Council meeting in Doha, Qatar, Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012. Sabra struck a combative tone Saturday, saying international inaction rather than divisions among anti-regime groups are to blame for the inability to end the bloodshed in Syria. (AP Photo/Osama Faisal)

    (AP) ? The newly elected leader of Syria's main opposition group slammed the international community for what he called inaction, saying Saturday that fighters are in desperate need of weapons to break the stalemate with President Bashar Assad's forces.

    George Sabra's comments came as his Syrian National Council struggled with other opposition groups to try to forge a cohesive and more representative leadership as rebels step up attacks against regime forces.

    Two suicide car bombers struck a military camp in the southern city of Daraa on Saturday, killing at least 20 government soldiers and prompting clashes in the area, activists said.

    Bombings targeting state security institutions have become frequent in recent months, raising Western fears that extremists fighting with the rebels could gain influence. That's one of the reasons the rebels' foreign backers are wary of providing weapons.

    The United States also has become increasingly frustrated with the opposition's inability to overcome deep divisions and rivalries in order to present a single conduit for foreign support.

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton harshly criticized the SNC late last month and called for a leadership that can rally wider support among activists fighting the regime on the ground.

    Sabra, who was elected by the SNC on Friday, said the international community should support the opposition and send arms without conditions, rather than linking aid to an overhaul of the leadership.

    The Syrian opposition may have many foreign friends, he told The Associated Press in an interview, "but unfortunately we get nothing from them, except some statements, some encouragement." The regime "has few friends, but these friends give the regime everything," he added, referring to Assad allies Russia, China and Iran.

    Sabra, 65, headed the SNC delegation Saturday in talks in the Qatari capital of Doha on a Western-backed proposal that would give the group only about one-third of 60 seats on a leadership panel to make room for more activists from inside Syria, including those fighting on the front lines.

    The outcome of the talks will be crucial not just for the SNC, widely seen as out of touch with activists on the ground in Syria, but for the future of the entire opposition. Without unity among opposition groups, the international community is unlikely to step up aid.

    Sabra, a Christian and a veteran left-wing dissident who was repeatedly imprisoned by the regime, said the SNC agrees that unity is important but suggested his group would not accept a deal that could lead to its demise.

    The choice of a Christian to lead the SNC could help counter Western concerns about the influence of Islamists in the group. A senior Brotherhood figure, Mohammed Farouk Taifour, was chosen as Sabra's deputy.

    But analysts said Sabra's election was unlikely to significantly change the situation.

    "I don't think his election will do anything to persuade the detractors of the SNC that it has become more attractive and democratic," said Salman Shaikh, the director of the Brookings Doha Center. Sabra is an SNC insider, and "his election is part of continuity, not change," he added.

    Senior SNC members portrayed Saturday's meeting as the beginning of what could be days of negotiations over the size and mission of any leadership group. Other opposition delegates said an agreement on the new body is imminent.

    Riad Seif, another veteran dissident who presented the reform plan, has said the new group would be recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people and would receive billions of dollars in aid.

    Sabra said he and the 66-year-old Seif are old friends and even shared a jail cell when both were rounded up after the March 2011 outbreak of the uprising against the regime. "The problem is with the initiative itself," he said of Seif's plan, arguing that it's too vague.

    Haitham Maleh, a veteran Syrian opposition leader, said discussions with Sabra will continue but the leadership group might be formed without the SNC if an agreement can't be reached.

    "If they (SNC representatives) don't accept having a common body, we could form a political body alone," Maleh said.

    Damascus has dismissed the meeting in Doha, and Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi called it a political folly. In an interview on state-run Syrian TV aired late Friday, al-Zoubi said those who "meet in hotels" abroad are "deluding themselves" if they think they can overthrow the government.

    Syrians, who fled violence and found refuge in neighboring countries, like Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, urged Sabra and other opposition leaders to work together to end bloodshed.

    "Our priority is to stop killing of the Syrian people. They should unite and become a single entity," said Abdulrahman Mostafa, 33, who has been living in the Yayladagi refugee camp in Turkey's Hatay province along the border with Syria. "If our leaders are not united, how can we stand united as a people?"

    Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have fled the violence in their country, inundating neighboring countries. As many as 11,000 crossed the borders on Friday, a surge attributed to fighting at Ras al-Ayn in the predominantly Kurdish oil-producing northeastern province of al-Hasaka.

    The uprising against Assad began in March 2011 with peaceful protests in Daraa, inspired by the Arab Spring wave of revolutions in the Middle East. But a regime crackdown prompted fierce fighting, propelling the conflict into a civil war that has taken on sectarian overtones. In all, activists say more than 36,000 people have been killed.

    The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on a network of activists on the ground, said two suicide bombers drove their explosives-laden cars into a military encampment behind the officer's club in Daraa in quick succession. It said at least 20 soldiers were killed, most in the second explosion.

    Other activists described explosions that targeted the high security area but didn't say they were suicide attacks. State-run news agency SANA reported triple car bombings in Daraa that killed seven civilians and wounded several others.

    The government rarely provides death tolls for security forces, and the discrepancy could not be reconciled or independently verified.

    There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Saturday's attack, but Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaida-inspired extremist group that is fighting alongside the rebels, has said it was responsible for similar bombings in the past.

    In other violence, Syrian TV said a locally made rocket slammed into a four-story residential building in the district of al-Qassaa in the capital of Damascus, wounding two young women.

    SANA said three mortar rounds were fired in central Damascus Saturday evening, injuring several people and damaging a clinic in a residential building in al-Tilyani neighborhood.

    The state media blamed "terrorists" for the attacks ? the term used by the Syrian government to describe rebels.


    Surk reported from Beirut. Zeina Karam in Beirut, Mehmet Guzel in Yayladagi, Turkey, and Abdullah Rebhy in Doha contributed to this report.

    Associated Press


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    Malaria Vaccine Candidate Produces Disappointing Results in Clinical Trial

    The latest clinical trial of the world?s leading malaria vaccine candidate produced disappointing results on Friday. The infants it was given to had only about a third fewer infections than a control group.

    But researchers said they wanted to press on, assuming they keep getting financial support, because the number of children who die of malaria is so great that even an inefficient vaccine can save thousands of lives.

    Three shots of the vaccine, known as RTS, S or Mosquirix and produced by GlaxoSmithKline, gave babies fewer than 12 weeks old 31 percent protection against detectable malaria and 37 percent protection against severe malaria, according to an announcement by the company at a vaccines conference in Cape Town.

    Last year, in a trial in children up to 17 months old, the same vaccine gave 55 percent protection against detectable malaria and 47 percent against severe malaria.

    The new trial ?is less than we?d hoped for,? Moncef Slaoui, Glaxo?s chairman of research and development said in a telephone interview. ?But if a million babies were vaccinated, we would prevent 260,000 cases of malaria a year. This is a disease that kills 655,000 babies a year ? 31 percent of that is a very large number.?

    The company, which has already spent more than $300 million on the vaccine, wants to keep forging ahead, he said, ?but it is not just our decision.?

    It also depends on the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, which has put more than $200 million of its Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation financing into the vaccine, and on the World Health Organization, which has helped talk seven African countries into allowing the vaccine to be tested on their children.

    The Gates Foundation declined to say how much money it was ultimately prepared to spend on an imperfect vaccine; this set of trials is set to go into 2014.

    ?The efficacy came back lower than we had hoped, but developing a vaccine against a parasite is a very hard thing to do,? Bill Gates said in a prepared statement. ?The trial is continuing, and we look forward to getting more data to help determine whether and how to deploy this vaccine.?

    All the families in the trial were given insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets and encouraged to use them; 86 percent did, so the vaccine worked despite other anti-malaria measures.

    RTS, S contains a protein found on the parasite?s surface that provokes an immune reaction. It was first identified decades ago by two New York University scientists, Ruth and Victor Nussenzweig. The vaccine was developed by Glaxo in Belgium and initially tested on American volunteers by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. When the Gates Foundation began focusing on global health in the early part of this century, it was one of the first projects the foundation adopted. Different ways to make the vaccine more effective, including adding different boosters and giving more shots, are being experimented with. Other vaccines using different ways to provoke an immune reaction exist, but none are as far along in clinical trials.

    Like an H.I.V. vaccine, one against malaria has proved an elusive goal. The parasite morphs several times, exhibiting different surface proteins as it goes from mosquito saliva into blood and then into and out of the liver. Also, even the best natural ?vaccine? ? catching the disease itself ? is not very effective. While one bout of measles immunizes a child for life, it usually takes several bouts of malaria to confer even partial immunity. Pregnancy can cause women to stop being immune, and immunity can fade out if someone moves away from a malarial area ? presumably because they no longer get ?boosters? from repeated mosquito bites.


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    Saturday, November 10, 2012

    Accuser of Syracuse's Fine: I told the truth

    AAA??Nov. 9, 2012?7:12 PM ET
    Accuser of Syracuse's Fine: I told the truth

    FILE - In this Nov. 14, 2011 file photo, Syracuse basketball coach Jim Boeheim, left, watches the action with assistant coach Bernie Fine, during a college basketball game against Manhattan in the NIT Season Tip-Off in Syracuse, N.Y. Federal authorities have dropped their investigation into sexual abuse claims that cost a Syracuse University assistant basketball coach his job, threw a top-ranked team into turmoil and threatened the career of Hall of Fame coach Boeheim. After a probe spanning nearly a year, U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian said Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 there was no evidence to support claims that Bernie Fine had molested a boy in 2002 in a Pittsburgh hotel room. (AP Photo/Kevin Rivoli, File)

    FILE - In this Nov. 14, 2011 file photo, Syracuse basketball coach Jim Boeheim, left, watches the action with assistant coach Bernie Fine, during a college basketball game against Manhattan in the NIT Season Tip-Off in Syracuse, N.Y. Federal authorities have dropped their investigation into sexual abuse claims that cost a Syracuse University assistant basketball coach his job, threw a top-ranked team into turmoil and threatened the career of Hall of Fame coach Boeheim. After a probe spanning nearly a year, U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian said Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 there was no evidence to support claims that Bernie Fine had molested a boy in 2002 in a Pittsburgh hotel room. (AP Photo/Kevin Rivoli, File)

    FILE - This Nov. 14, 2011 file photo shows Syracuse basketball assistant coach Bernie Fine watching a college basketball game against Manhattan in the NIT Season Tip-Off in Syracuse, N.Y. Federal authorities have dropped their investigation into sexual abuse claims that cost Fine his job, threw a top-ranked team into turmoil and threatened the career of Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim. After a probe spanning nearly a year, U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian said Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 there was no evidence to support claims that Fine had molested a boy in 2002 in a Pittsburgh hotel room. (AP Photo/Kevin Rivoli, File)

    FILE - In this March 25, 2010 file photo, Syracuse assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine sits on the bench at the end an NCAA West Regional semifinal college basketball game against Butler in Salt Lake City. Federal authorities have dropped their investigation into sexual abuse claims that cost Fine his job, threw a top-ranked team into turmoil and threatened the career of Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim. After a probe spanning nearly a year, U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian said Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 there was no evidence to support claims that Fine had molested a boy in 2002 in a Pittsburgh hotel room. (AP Photo/Steve C. Wilson, File)

    FILE - In this Dec. 8, 2011 file photo, Zach Tomaselli, 23, holds a photo of himself and his brother taken at about the time he claims he was was sexually abused in 2002 by former Syracuse basketball coach Bernie Fine, at a news conference in Pittsburgh. Federal authorities have dropped their investigation into sexual abuse claims that cost Fine his job, threw a top-ranked team into turmoil and threatened the career of Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim. After a probe spanning nearly a year, U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian said Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 there was no evidence to support claims that Fine had molested a boy in 2002 in a Pittsburgh hotel room. The investigation erupted in the glare of a spotlight on child abuse shone by the Penn State University scandal that broke shortly beforehand, when Davis and Lang accused the longtime assistant of fondling them when they were teens. (AP Photo/John Heller, File)

    FILE - In this Dec. 21, 2011 file photo, former Syracuse ball boy Bobby Davis poses for a photo before an interview in Syracuse, N.Y. Federal authorities have dropped their investigation into sexual abuse claims that cost Syracuse University assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine his job, threw a top-ranked team into turmoil and threatened the career of Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim. After a probe spanning nearly a year, U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian said Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 there was no evidence to support claims that Fine had molested a boy in 2002 in a Pittsburgh hotel room. The investigation erupted in the glare of a spotlight on child abuse shone by the Penn State University scandal that broke shortly beforehand, when Davis and another former ball boy accused the longtime assistant of fondling them when they were teens. (AP Photo/David Duprey, File)

    (AP) ? A man imprisoned in Maine says he was telling the truth when he said former Syracuse University assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine molested him even though federal authorities have now dropped their investigation.

    Zachary Tomaselli initially told officials he was molested, then recanted, then reversed course again. He insisted Friday that Fine molested him in a Pittsburgh hotel room in 2002.

    In Syracuse, N.Y., a U.S. attorney says there's not enough evidence to support the claim by Tomaselli, who was 23 when he made it nearly a year ago.

    Tomaselli says he's gained nothing from telling the story. He thanks law enforcement officials for investigating.

    Fine denies the allegation but was fired Nov. 27.

    Tomaselli was convicted of sexually abusing a boy at a camp and is serving three years in prison.


    Associated Press writer David Sharp contributed to this story from Portland, Maine.

    Associated Press


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    Friday, November 9, 2012

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    Family: Toddler shot, killed over tire rims - ...


    Authorities have increased the reward money to $5,000 in the case of a 2-year-old southwest Atlanta girl killed last weekend, apparently over a set of tire rims.

    At a candlelight vigil in southwest Atlanta, family and friends of Ty-Teyanna Motley gathered to remember the little girl who died in her grandmother's arms.

    Ty-Tyenna's brother, Isaiah, also was?shot and is still recovering at a local hospital.

    For the first time, we are learning new information from the victim's uncle about what happened Saturday night.

    "I bought some rims. This is all over some rims," said "Baby" Woods. "They came to the door asking for Baby. I'm Baby. They would have shot me, but they waited until I closed the door, then pulled the trigger.?They are cowards, cowards."

    Ty-Teyanna's father, Antoine Shepard, can't believe a dispute over rims led to the death of his daughter.

    "She was a good girl for everybody. Everybody loved Ty," Shepard said. "It is hard for everyone. We just want justice to come for Ty."

    During the vigil, the toddler's grandmother, Deborah Howard, grew so emotional that she passed out and had to be carried inside. She was OK about?10 minutes later. Family members said it is such an emotional issue, they won't rest until the shooter is caught.

    "Whoever did this to my grandbaby needs to be punished," said Howard. "My child was laying in my bed with me and shot right there."

    The Crime Stoppers reward for information leading to an arrest is now at $5,000.

    The anonymous tip line is 404-577-TIPS.

    Copyright 2012 WGCL-TV (Meredith Corporation). ?All rights reserved.?


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    Thursday, November 8, 2012

    Increase PPC & SEO Conversion With Email Nurture - Search ...

    email-marketing-etcIn brick-and-mortar retail, there are hundreds of years of well-studied consumer behavior to guide shopkeepers. For example, putting staple items such as milk at the back of the convenience store so that patrons walk by other items they didn?t intend to buy. ?Kids Eat Free Night? is a gimmick to establish family dining patterns that are known to repeat.

    But the online world is relatively young and small business online marketing norms are still developing.

    73 Percent of Inbound Leads Aren?t Sales-Ready

    With so much emphasis on generating leads, it?s easy to lose sight of the real goal. The reality is that conversion is rarely a quick event. It takes nurturing. No matter how great the onsite experience is, it?s important that an online marketing strategy recognize that the sale will be in several parts.

    Online Marketers Use Email Poorly

    Forty percent of marketers don?t use email for drip nurturing. There are also many businesses who still believe that buying a huge email list to use for a magical ?blast? of new customers will work. It won?t.

    Eighty-one percent of marketers use email for initial lead generation. But often with poor results.

    Email used wrong is an outbound marketing technique. Used correctly, email is an excellent complement to a small business online marketing strategy. But few small businesses know this distinction. This means targeting recipients who will actually be interested in the product and nurturing those who have already shown an interest.

    Email Marketing Increases PPC & SEO Conversion

    With the costs of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts rising, the emphasis of a small business online marketing campaign will increasingly turn to conversion. This can be a bit confusing. If SEO or PPC generates an initial small business lead, but it is one of the 73 percent that isn?t sales-ready, the lead must then be nurtured after the first point of contact.

    Email is the most effective nurturing mechanism by far. When a subsequent email, maybe the third or fourth in a nurturing series, brings the prospect back to purchase ? is that conversion due to email? Regardless of how the lead is categorized, small business should use an integrated marketing dashboard so they can measure this complex marketing behavior and understand it.


    To put it in soccer terms, the assist is often as important as the goal. In other words, a small business online marketing campaign needs to recognize that 73 percent of leads won?t be ready to purchase on the spot.

    SEO and PPC leads both need to be nurtured after the initial point of contact to bring the ultimate conversion rate up. This complex set of online behaviors needs to be well-tracked to avoid letting the potential customer walk out of the virtual store empty-handed.

    SES Chicago

    Want to Know the Hottest Digital Marketing Strategies for 2013?

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    Winick Daily | Real Estate Weekly: Brodsky Taps Winick to Market ...

    Real Estate Weekly

    Brodsky Taps Winick to Market Retail Space on West End Avenue

    Winick Realty Group LLC President Steven E. Baker proudly announced that he is exclusively marketing the retail at 41 West End Avenue on behalf of The Brodsky Organization. The 1,131-square-foot retail site is located in the former Patriot National Bank space between West 61st and West 62nd Streets.

    ?This is a growing area that is in great need of amenities to serve the dense residential population, as well as the many students and office workers who inhabit the area on a daily basis,? said Baker, who is exclusively marketing the retail space with his associate Sam Mann. ?There are more than 3,000 apartments in the immediate area, not to mention the large student bodies at nearby Fordham University and the new John Jay Campus.

    ?The retail at 41 West End Avenue offers a great opportunity to reach these potential customers,? Baker continued, ?as well as feed off the immense pedestrian traffic from the Time Warner Center, BMW headquarters and Lincoln Center.?

    Baker has been actively involved in the growing retail scene in the West 60s, representing many of the prestigious properties in this up-and-coming area. Last year, he and his associate Charles Rapuano leased 2,850 square feet at 39 West End Avenue to both Pick-A-Bagel and Pizza Bolla.

    For more, download the full article in PDF

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    Georgia detains former minister on suspicion of power abuse

    TBILISI (Reuters) - Georgia's new government detained a former interior minister on Tuesday for questioning on suspicion of abuse of power in the first such case brought against a member of the ousted administration.

    Bacho Akhalaia, who served as interior minister for two-and-a-half months before resigning in the midst of a prison abuse scandal, was detained after more than three hours of questioning at the prosecutor's office, his lawyer told reporters.

    "The reason for his detention was that during his work as a defense minister he allegedly insulted several officers in the presence of others...I've never ever heard such an absurd reason for detention," attorney David Dekanoidze told reporters.

    Akhalaia is a close ally of President Mikheil Saakashvili, whose former ruling party lost a bitterly contested October 1 election that put billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili at the head of a new government.

    The election ended Saakashvili's nine-year dominance of Georgia, a focus of tensions between Russia and the West and a transit country for Caspian Sea oil and gas exports to Europe.

    Government officials said after the election that all former officials suspected of illegal activity would face prosecution.

    Akhalaia was appointed as Georgia's defense minister one year after a five-day war with Russia and served in that post for three years.

    He stepped down as interior minister in September amid a prison abuse scandal that erupted a few weeks before the October parliamentary election.

    Demonstrators took to the streets of the capital Tbilisi and other towns after video footage showing the torture and rape of inmates in the capital's main prison was aired by two television channels supportive of the opposition.

    Akhalaia left Georgia after the election, but came back earlier this week saying he was ready to answer any questions from law-enforcement agencies.

    Several former high-ranking officials, including defense and justice ministers, left the country after the vote.

    (Reporting by Margarita Antidze; Editing by Michael Roddy)


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