Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to apply for independent foreclosure review | Real Estate ...

By Dennis Norman, on May 29th, 2012

dennis-norman-st-louis-realtor-If you feel you were a victim of an improper foreclosure process in 2009 or 2010 by one of the companies below, you may apply for an independent foreclosure review and receive compensation if the independent review finds evidence of direct financial injury to you due to servicer error. Time is running out however as the deadline to apply is July 31, 2012. To make it easier to understand the process, the fed?s have produced a video on how to apply which I have included below.

The following companies are participants in the independent foreclosure review:

America?s Servicing Company Countrywide National City Mortgage
Aurora Loan Services EMC Mortgage Corporation PNC Mortgage
BAC Home Loans Servicing EverBank/EverHome Mortgage Company Sovereign Bank
Bank of America Financial Freedom SunTrust Mortgage
Beneficial GMAC Mortgage U.S. Bank
Chase HFC Wachovia Mortgage
Citibank HSBC Washington Mutual (WaMu)
CitiFinancial IndyMac Mortgage Services Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
CitiMortgage MetLife Bank Wilshire Credit Corporation

Below is the video that will walk you through the process:

For more information you can visit the Federal Reserve website by clicking here or call 888-952-9105.


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Tips And Advice For Dealing With Personal Bankruptcy |


Don?t wait too long to file for bankruptcy. So many people suffer with debts, and sleepless nights for years. They could have filed for bankruptcy, and been in the clear by now. If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, time is of the essence. Make the decision so you can move on that much quicker.

Although filing for personal bankruptcy is one solution to debt problems, it is not the only solution.It is not necessarily the best solution. Before filing for bankruptcy, consider attempting to make payment agreements with your creditors. Credit counseling agencies will be able to help you work out such an agreement.

One of the biggest problems that people face when filing personal bankruptcy is they are in too deep before they seek help. They have borrowed against 401 K?s, IRA?s, and sold personal belongings. These things have unintended consequences. These loans are not allowable deductions in the eyes of the court and will not be used in the bankruptcy calculations.

One you realize you are in financial trouble and have decided to file for personal bankruptcy you should move quickly. Waiting to the last minute to file bankruptcy can cause a number of issues. You may face negative repercussions such as wage or bank account garnishment or foreclosure on your home. You can also not leave time enough for a thorough review of your financial situation, which will limit your available options.

Be honest when talking to your attorney. Your attorney is there to help you, and omitting details about your circumstances will not only make his/her job more difficult, but also may prevent you from getting your discharge. Furthermore, if you don?t disclose what you need to in your bankruptcy petition, you could be accused of committing bankruptcy fraud.

You should start selling things around your house and making budget cuts if you have filed for bankruptcy. Now is the time to start saving money and stop being reckless. You can focus on the future and get your finances in order, so that you can have a promising financial future for the rest of your life.

Do not attempt to pay off any of your favorite creditors before you file for bankruptcy. The reason is that all of your assets will be liquidated and each creditor gets their fair share. It is not your job to decide who deserves to be paid back and who does not.

Try not to put off filing for bankruptcy. If you need to file for bankruptcy, don?t procrastinate. Procrastinating may make legal matters more complicated. It may also cause you a great deal of unneeded stress. You need a clear head and a calm mind when preparing to file for bankruptcy. Don?t let stress complicate things.

A good personal bankruptcy tip is to take it all in stride. You have to remind yourself that you aren?t alone by having to file for bankruptcy. Many other people have found themselves in this situation and a lot of them are probably willing to offer you some form of guidance.

As noted earlier, the current economic climate keeps more people in a constant state of struggle, and many of them are turning to bankruptcy. If you decide that this option is the best one for you, hopefully this article has provided you with helpful guidance you can use to face your financial future and make positive changes.

Jacqueline Borgia is an accomplished scholar concerning File Chapter 11 Bankruptcy


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Monday, May 28, 2012

Obama to honor fallen troops on Memorial Day

Motorcycles drive past on Memorial Bridge during the annual Rolling Thunder parade ahead of Memorial Day in Washington, Sunday, May 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Motorcycles drive past on Memorial Bridge during the annual Rolling Thunder parade ahead of Memorial Day in Washington, Sunday, May 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Members of Rolling Thunder salute during the presentation of colors during the annual Rolling Thunder rally on the National Mall ahead of Memorial Day in Washington, Sunday, May 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Jackelynn Freund, 8, of San Diego, honors her grandmother, U.S. Navy veteran Jessie Coats, at her gravestone during a Memorial Day ceremony at the new Miramar National Cemetery in San Diego, Sunday, May 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Allen J. Schaben) NO FORNS; NO SALES; MAGS OUT; ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER OUT; LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS OUT; VENTURA COUNTY STAR OUT; INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN OUT; SAN BERNARDINO SUN OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT, TV OUT

Don Kengerski salutes as members of the Marine Corps League Flint Detachment #155 present the colors during the 7th annual Memorial Day ceremony at the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly, Mich., on Sunday May 27, 2012. (AP Photo/The Flint Journal, Lathan Goumas)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama is paying tribute to the nation's fallen warriors on Memorial Day, attending a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery and honoring those who died during the Vietnam War.

The president was to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, and then commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

In an election year, Obama has touted his work to bring U.S. combat troops home from Iraq and wind down the conflict in Afghanistan. Before military audiences and in a campaign ad released last week, he credits U.S. servicemen who helped in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

With so many troops returning home from their service, Obama says the U.S. needs to return the favor.

"We have to serve them and their families as well as they have served us," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address. "By making sure that they get the health care and benefits they need; by caring for our wounded warriors and supporting our military families; and by giving veterans the chance to go to college, find a good job and enjoy the freedom that they risked everything to protect."

The White House said the gathering at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial War would mark the beginning of a 13-year program to honor those who served during the Vietnam War.

Republican Mitt Romney was scheduled to appear Monday with Arizona Sen. John McCain, the 2008 GOP nominee, in San Diego, home to a large number of military personnel and veterans. Romney has made the case that too many veterans are returning home to poor job prospects, casting blame on Obama's economic policies.

A Bureau of Labor Statistics report in March found that 12.1 percent of U.S. Armed Forces veterans who served on active duty after September 2001 were unemployed in 2011. The unemployment rate for all veterans was 8.3 percent.

Veterans could play a significant role in the 2012 election. Exit polls in 2008 showed that Obama was supported by about 44 percent of voters who said they served in the military, while 54 percent voted for McCain, a former Navy pilot who was a prisoner of war for more than five years during the Vietnam War.

A poll released Monday by Gallup found that 58 percent of veterans support Romney and 34 percent back Obama. The results were based on a sample of 3,327 veterans who are registered voters and had a margin of error of 2 percentage points.

Several closely watched states in the election have large blocs of military voters. Florida, home to several military installations, has more than 1.6 million veterans, according to the Veterans Administration. Pennsylvania has nearly 1 million veterans, while Virginia and North Carolina each have about 800,000 veterans living in their states.

The president and first lady Michelle Obama started the day with a breakfast at the White House for families who have lost loved ones in combat.

Associated Press

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Many years ago British artist Marc Quinn started an art project where he created cast self-portraits using his own frozen blood. On one hand, it's incredibly creepy and unsettling. But on the other, how many artists' can turn to their creations during a medical emergency? More »

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

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Obama taps Yucca Mtn critic to lead nuclear agency

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Moving quickly to stem a controversy, President Barack Obama on Thursday nominated an expert on nuclear waste to lead the federal agency that regulates the nation's nuclear power plants.

Allison Macfarlane, who served on a presidential commission that studied new strategies to manage nuclear waste, would replace Gregory Jaczko as head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Jaczko announced his resignation Monday after a tumultuous three-year tenure in which he pushed for sweeping safety reforms but came under fire for an unyielding management style that fellow commissioners and agency employees described as bullying.

A White House spokesman said Obama believes Macfarlane is the right person to lead the commission, calling her a highly regarded expert who has spent years analyzing nuclear issues.

Macfarlane "understands the role that nuclear power must play in our nation's energy future while ensuring that we are always taking steps to produce this important energy source safely and securely," White House spokesman Clark Stevens said.

Stevens called the NRC crucial to protecting public health and safety and said Obama hopes the Senate considers her nomination quickly.

Macfarlane, an associate professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., wrote a book in 2006 that raised technical questions about a proposed nuclear waste dump at Nevada's Yucca Mountain.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who is the leading congressional opponent of the Yucca site, praised Macfarlane as someone who will make nuclear safety a top priority. Macfarlane's education and experience, especially her service on the blue ribbon commission on nuclear waste, make her qualified to lead the NRC "for the foreseeable future," Reid said in a statement.

Reid said he continues to have concerns about Republican Kristine Svinicki, who has been nominated by Obama for a new term on the commission, but added that he believes Svinicki and Macfarlane should be considered together, continuing a recent Senate tradition of considering NRC nominees from opposing parties at the same time.

Svinicki, a nuclear engineer and former Senate GOP aide, was among four NRC commissioners who publicly criticized Jaczko's management style last year. The commissioners ? two Democrats and two Republicans ? sent a letter to the White House last fall expressing "grave concern" about Jaczko' s actions, which they said were abusive and "causing serious damage" to the commission.

No disciplinary action was taken against Jaczko, who has strongly denied the allegations.

Jaczko, a Democrat, announced his resignation ahead of a potentially blistering report due out soon from the agency's inspector general, which has been investigating Jaczko's actions for more than a year.

A former Reid aide, Jaczko led a strong response to the nuclear disaster in Japan and was a favorite of industry watchdogs, who called his emphasis on safety a refreshing change from previous agency chiefs who were close to the nuclear industry or who came from it.

But scientists, fellow commissioners and many rank-and-file staffers said Jaczko had created a chilled working environment at the NRC, which oversees safety at the nation's 104 commercial nuclear reactors.

The Nuclear Energy Institute, an industry group, called Macfarlane "an active contributor to policy debates in the nuclear energy field for many years" and urged the Senate to confirm her nomination as soon as possible.

"It would not serve the public interest to have her nomination linger," the group said. "We urge the Senate to confirm both Commissioner Svinicki and Professor Macfarlane expeditiously."

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Senate Environment Committee, said Macfarlane's background and experience demonstrate a strong commitment to safety ? a commitment she called especially important in the wake of the nuclear disaster at Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.

Boxer said she will schedule a joint hearing on the two NRC nominees in June.

Per Peterson, a professor of nuclear engineering at the University of California, served with Macfarlane on the nuclear waste commission, which was appointed by the Obama administration to make recommendations on how the nation should store and dispose of more than 71,000 tons of radioactive waste at dozens of sites across the country.

"I think she will be effective in leadership" of the NRC, "mainly because she listens," Peterson said of Macfarlane.

In a 2009 interview with Technology Review, Macfarlane acknowledged that most of the objections to the never-completed Yucca Mountain site were political, but added: "The technical objections are serious and real."

The area near Yucca Mountain is seismically and volcanically active, she said, adding that spent nuclear fuel could be stored safely at nuclear plants for decades.

The presidential panel recommended that the government start looking immediately for an alternative to Yucca Mountain. The report also recommended that responsibility for managing nuclear waste be transferred to a new organization, independent of the Energy Department.


Follow Matthew Daly on Twitter: (at)MatthewDalyWDC

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Friday, May 25, 2012

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Hemorrhoid flare-ups and Bigger Rectal Undesireable veins ...

Hemorrhoid distress, inside rectum, occur in the event the problematic veins are definitely not going back enough bloodstream in to one?s heart. When this occurs, often the vein partitions usually do not obtain enough fresh air and release an ingredient in the blood that creates these swell and become irritated. This irritation weakens these individuals and their almost certainly going to break once applied, such as on a bowel movements.

If the barstools are tough, you now have a higher probability of busting a puffiness vein. This is why getting the bar stools softer is one step up removing your hemorrhoid distress. This can be accomplished by eating a diet plan and taking advantage of treatments that aid relieve obstruction.
Hemorrhoids, which are enflamed or bloating can really exist,

Inside simply over a muscle mass that sales techniques the anus and in for the rectum. They may be near to the surface area from the anal area mucus tissue layer On the outside, they will occur for the body that encircle the bagdel in addition to protrude or even hang external.

In ways, hemorrhoid flare-ups can be considered varicose undesireable veins of the butt. Exactly like varicose undesireable veins within the lower limbs, the particular rectum undesireable veins become enflamed and arrive at the epidermis surface area and stick out and about.
Hemorrhoid distress occur if you find yourself constipated with regard to very long periods, take many hours, lift up heavy things, as well as pregnant.

Should you be constipated, youre probably using a hard time possessing a digestive tract movement. So when you need to do, your own personal stools are often small , tough, and also dried. If you need to force and stress or lie on stained regarding 10-15 minutes, subsequently have a much piles eventually. Several mins is completely a person normally must have an organic by a bowel movement.

Around 85% of the inhabitants has hemorrhoids. Hemroids can be a signal that faecal matter is not really succeeding your own personal colon like it need to. Very simple hemorrhoids are not unsafe for your health and fitness, yet hemorrhoids which are building for a while will result in a person some irritation, such as,
Mucus produce
Swelling appearing inside your barstools or still dripping wet in the potty normal water Anxious on the outside of from the anal area Pain from the butt area and through some sort of bowel activity Ache in the anal area region, after you remain Tender bulging area inside anal area or bag that give which you discomfort that something happens to be generally there
As always, see your physician if the hemorrhoid distress are unpleasant, get excess hemorrhaging, or perhaps stools have improvement in coloring from channel brown to help black or even african american.

Try to be conscious of any kind of growth inside the anal area, swelling throughout an intestinal movements, plus a difference in your stools shade. In that case do something to manage these kinds of modifications.

Click on the link below for more info
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Tips In Maintaining Kitchen Appliances | Expert Home Improvement ...

Cleanliness and maintenance of kitchen appliances help in preventing health risks and diseases. Your surroundings conjointly replicate who you are. As a result of the kitchen is where most of your daily chores begin and end with, it should be the cleanest half of your home.

Maintaining your kitchen appliances does not only mean a longer life but conjointly a nice way to save money when it involves paying your power bill. The following are some useful tips in maintaining your kitchen appliances.

When it comes to cleaning fridges, within and out is essentially important. Unless your fridge is a sealed unit, there will coils at the rear that could attract dust and grime. Guarantee that you put castors on the base to easily roll the fridge out and wipe the back easily regularly. Build certain to exchange any filters before its due date in case you forget when time comes.

Older freezers do not defrost automatically, so you ought to regularly do defrosting to eliminate crusty build up that might take forever to thaw out. Permit the unit to melt completely and cast off shelves and wipe all surfaces with a vinegar and water solution. Defrosting conjointly permits you to get rid of old food that ought to not be cooked or reheated.

Quick wipe overs are easier and quicker rather than making an attempt to get rid of baked on grime. This is true for most ovens and stove tops. Create this a part of your dish laundry routine. Take away shelves and racks and scrub them with a brush. Check the elements for electric ovens and wipe over. Ensure that the jets are afar from food for gas ovens.

It would greatly profit your dishes and dishwashers if they are cleaned from inside. Make a regular check of the filter and scrub out. Though it could appear a waste of electricity and water, running an empty cycle occasionally clears the inner workings and hoses, which can give a better result to your wash cycles.

Keep your wine coolers clean from inside and out with a simple wipe over regularly. Take away cracks and scrub from time to time. You?ll use non-abrasive cleaners inside and out or a vinegar and water solution. For nasty stains or grime, bi-carbonate soda mixed with paste with little water is one means of removing the dirt than using harsh chemicals.

By being diligent within the cleanliness of your kitchen appliances, you are saving yourself time from heavy scrubbing. If you maintain them fastidiously, they can last longer and your overall running prices can be greatly reduced. The guidelines above are simply a number of the readily and conveniently out there ways in which to keep up your kitchen appliances and maintain cleanliness in your kitchen. After all, the kitchen is that the one corner in your home where you get your deliciously cooked meals. Thus, you must have to create a decision on how clean and disinfected your kitchen ought to be. Furthermore, kitchen appliances are half of your investment, so you ought to protect them through proper maintenance.

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G8 leaders take up eurozone crisis (CNN)

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

AP source: Romneys donate $150k to campaign effort

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Ed Ray, Chowchilla Bus Kidnapping Hero, Dies At Age 91 (PHOTOS)

FRESNO, Calif. -- The nation called Ed Ray a hero when he led a terrified group of children to safety after they were kidnapped aboard their school bus and held underground for ransom in the summer of 1976.

But the unassuming bus driver from a dusty farm town in Central California never saw himself that way, even after news of the infamous Chowchilla kidnapping grabbed headlines and inspired a TV movie.

As for the 26 children he saved, Ray became their lifelong friend until he died Thursday at 91 from complications of cirrhosis of the liver.

"I remember him making me feel safe," said Jodi Medrano, who was 10 when three men hijacked the school bus and stashed the group in a hot, stuffy storage van in a rock quarry.

Medrano held a flashlight as the bus driver worked with older students to stack mattresses, force an opening and remove the dirt covering the van so they could escape after 16 hours underground. She never left Ray's side during the ordeal.

"I remember he actually got onto me because I swore," said Medrano, now 46. "Mr. Ray said, `you knock that off.' I thought, whenever we get home I will be in so much trouble. That's when I knew I was going home, because he made me have that hope."

Medrano, who now runs a hair salon in Chowchilla, where the hijacking occurred, said she kept in touch with Ray throughout her life. Many of the other children went on to live in Chowchilla as adults and regularly visited the aging bus driver.

"Mr. Ray was a very quiet, strong, humble man. He has a very special place in my heart and I loved him very much," Medrano said, crying.

The dramatic ordeal and Ray's role in it left an indelible mark on Chowchilla, where Ray and most of the children lived. The city then had a population of 5,000.

Residents were terrorized when the bus vanished, and their fears were fueled by other crimes in the state ? the Charles Manson killings, the serial killing of 26 farmworkers, the Patty Hearst kidnapping and the Zodiac serial killer who remained at large.

As word of the disappearance spread, hundreds of reporters from around the country swarmed the town, clogging phone lines. Search parties and airplanes scoured the area.

"We sat at home for a long time knowing nothing," said Ray's son Glen Ray, who was in his 30s at the time and had rushed home from Arizona.

Five hours after the hijacking, police found the bus, hidden in a drainage slough. It was empty, with no trace of blood or any other clues.

A day later, Ray's family and frantic parents got word: The bus driver and children, ages 5 to 14, were safe.

Ray, the only adult on board, later recounted how he stopped the bus on that steamy July day to see if people in a broken-down van needed help. Three armed, masked men forced Ray and the children into two vans.

They meandered for hours before stopping at a quarry 100 miles to the north in Livermore. The kidnappers sealed the children and Ray inside the storage van and covered it with 3 feet of dirt as part of their plan to demand $5 million ransom.

At the time, the Chowchilla Police Department was swamped with calls, and the kidnappers decided to take a nap before calling in their demand.

While they slept, Ray and two older children dug themselves to safety.

"He told me that he felt it was his responsibility to get the kids back home to their parents safely, that's all he could think about," Ray's son, Glen Ray, said. His father loved kids and they were his life, the son said.

Ray, who grew corn and alfalfa and raised dairy cows, never boasted about his role in the rescue, his granddaughter Robyn Gomes said.

"The community will remember him as a hero, but it's not at all how he saw himself," she said. "He was a remarkable man. If you met him, you loved him. He was that kind of guy."

Frederick N. Woods and brothers James and Richard Schoenfeld, members of well-to-do San Francisco Peninsula families, were convicted in the kidnapping and sentenced to life in prison. None of the three has been paroled.

The trio, who were in their mid-20s at the time of the kidnapping, said they had fallen into debt because of a failed real estate deal and hatched the elaborate kidnapping as a way to rid themselves of financial worry.

Family members said Ray collected newspaper clippings about the kidnapping and bought the school bus he drove in 1976 for $500 as a memento and because he didn't want it to go to scrap iron.

"He parked it in the barn and he'd go out and start it once in a while," Glen Ray said.

He kept the bus for several years then gave it to an old equipment museum in Le Grande, where it's still available for public viewing.

Ray is survived by his wife, Odessa, his two sons, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. A funeral services will be held Tuesday at Chowchilla Cemetery.



    FILE - In this July 17, 1976 file photo. members of the Alameda County Crime Lab and FBI are pictured working around the opening to the van where 26 Chowchilla school children and their bus driver were held captive at a rock quarry near Livermore, Calif. Ed Ray, the school bus driver hailed as a hero for helping 26 students escape after three men kidnapped the group and buried the entire bus underground in 1976 died on Thursday, May 17, 2012. He was 91. (AP Photo)

  • FILE - In this July 20, 1976 file photo, officials remove a truck buried at a rock quarry in Livermore, Calif., in which 26 Chowchilla school children and their bus driver, Ed Ray were held captive. Ray, the school bus driver hailed as a hero for helping 26 students escape after three men kidnapped the group and buried the entire bus underground in 1976 died on Thursday, May 17, 2012. He was 91. (AP Photo, File)


    FILE - In this Sept. 13, 1976 file photo, bus driver Ed Ray, who was kidnapped with 26 school children from Chowchilla, waits for a passenger as school starts for the fall term. Ray, the school bus driver hailed as a hero for helping 26 students escape after three men kidnapped the group and buried the entire bus underground in 1976 died on Thursday, May 17, 2012. He was 91.(AP Photo)

  • FILE - In this July 17, 1976 file photo, school bus driver Ed Ray Jr. steps from the bus that returned him and 26 school children home to Chowchilla, Calif., after the were kidnapped by three men. Ray, the school bus driver hailed as a hero for helping 26 students escape after three men kidnapped the group and buried the entire bus underground in 1976 died on Thursday, May 17, 2012. He was 91. (AP Photo)

  • FILE - In this July 20, 1976 file photo, officials remove a truck buried at a rock quarry in Livermore, Calif., in which 26 Chowchilla school children and their bus driver, Ed Ray were held captive. Ray, the school bus driver hailed as a hero for helping 26 students escape after three men kidnapped the group and buried the entire bus underground in 1976 died on Thursday, May 17, 2012. He was 91. (AP Photo, File)

  • FILE - In this Friday, July 23, 1976 file photo, the inside of the van in which 26 Chowchilla, Calif., school children and their bus driver were held captive is seen in a Livermore, Calif., quarry . Photographers were not allowed inside the van, but were allowed to shoot pictures after the van doors were opened. Ed Ray, the school bus driver hailed as a hero for helping 26 students escape after three men kidnapped the group and buried the entire bus underground in 1976 died on Thursday, May 17, 2012. He was 91. (AP Photo/James Palmer)

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Peter Berg Explains The Reference To 'Battleship's' Famous Line

Spoiler alert: No one says "you sunk my battleship" in "Battleship." But director Peter Berg has a very good explanation for that. No one said it in the movie because the Regents didn't sink the Navy's battleships. But before you get all up in arms about the omission, there is an homage to the famous [...]

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LA Kings beat Phoenix, move to brink of Cup final

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Dwight King scored the tiebreaking goal early in the third period, Jonathan Quick made 18 saves, and the Los Angeles Kings rolled to the brink of their first Stanley Cup final in 19 years with a 2-1 victory over the Phoenix Coyotes on Thursday night.

The Kings lead the Western Conference finals 3-0.

"We wanted to have our own push in front of our owns fans, show our push," said Kings forward Jarret Stoll, whose hustle set up King's goal. "It took us a while to get our own game (going), but we did, especially in the third period."

Anze Kopitar also scored to help the eighth-seeded Kings improve to 11-1 in their improbable postseason run. Despite trailing in a game for the first time since April 28, King scored his fourth goal in three games against the Coyotes, who face a deficit only three teams have overcome in NHL playoff history.

Game 4 is Sunday at Staples Center.

Mike Smith stopped 26 shots in a standout performance for the third-seeded Coyotes, who must win four straight to reach their first Stanley Cup final in club history.

Although the Kings have won eight consecutive playoff games during this rampage through the West bracket, they fell behind for the first time in nearly 18 periods when Daymond Langkow scored on a breakaway for Phoenix early in the second period. That deficit disappeared just over 2 minutes later on Kopitar's breakaway goal.

King came through again 1:47 into the third, beating Smith high to the glove side. The massive rookie scored two goals in the series opener and added the winner in Game 2.

In front of a long-suffering crowd gratefully enjoying its unexpected good fortune after decades of disappointment, the Kings dominated the third period in front of Quick. They forechecked relentlessly in the final minutes, forcing Smith to play a long stretch without his goal stick because Phoenix couldn't clear the zone so he could retrieve it.

Los Angeles largely dominated the first two games of the series in Glendale, outshooting the Coyotes 88-51 while winning by a combined 8-2. Phoenix had no more luck than Vancouver or St. Louis against the surprising No. 8 seeds, who finished two points behind the Pacific Division champion Coyotes in the regular season before steamrolling the West's top two teams in a combined nine games.

Phoenix played Game 3 without forward Martin Hanzal, who served a one-game suspension for boarding Dustin Brown in Game 3. Coyotes captain Shane Doan, who escaped suspension for his own hit, took up the job of agitating Brown, facewashing the Kings' high-scoring captain with his glove during one scrum.

After Smith came up with several stellar saves during a scoreless first period, Keith Yandle slipped a long pass behind Mike Richards to Langkow, who beat Quick between the legs for his first goal of the postseason 1:03 into the second. Los Angeles hadn't trailed since the first period of Game 1 in its second-round series with St. Louis 19 days ago.

Staples Center briefly fell silent, but reached full roar moments later when Brown found Kopitar with a long pass behind the Phoenix defense. The Slovenian star beat Smith with a backhand for his fifth goal of the playoffs.

The teams were even in goals and shots heading to the third period, but King quickly put Los Angeles ahead with the latest impressive play of his incredible first NHL playoff run. Moments after Smith made a spectacular point-blank save on Stoll, King collected the puck during a delayed penalty and wired a high shot past Smith's glove into the top corner of the net.

Phoenix responded to its deficit with more physical play in Game 3, although keeping most of it within legal limits after the borderline goonery of the Game 2 blowout. The Coyotes inserted enforcer Paul Bissonnette into their lineup for the first time since Game 4 of the opening round.

NOTES: The game was the first of six playoff contests in four days at Staples Center, where the NBA's Lakers and Clippers will host back-to-back second-round playoff games this weekend. The Tour of California ? the nation's largest cycling race ? also finishes outside the arena about 30 minutes before the puck drops on Game 4 Sunday. ...Marc-Antoine Pouliot took Hanzal's spot in the Coyotes' lineup, but Langkow moved up to Hanzal's place on a line with Taylor Pyatt and Radim Vrbata. Bissonnette replaced Gilbert Brule. D Adrian Aucoin has missed the entire series with an injury. ... The Kings have won seven straight road games, and they stuck with coach Darryl Sutter's scheme to keep the road vibe at home by staying in a hotel across the street from Staples Center on Wednesday night. ... USC QB Matt Barkley attended the game.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Some Consumers Can Get Lower Prices By Buying Mobile Phone ...

 Some Consumers Can Get Lower Prices By Buying Mobile Phone Wholesale Accessories

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

How To Webinar: Intro to Web Analytics ?- What Google Analytics ...

Event Date:?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

How To Program

Join R2integrated's Certified Google Analytics and Digital Marketing Strategist, Arden Kaley, as she provides you with an interactive and in-depth overview of the various features available in the Google Analytics platform and how to leverage them to best serve your business needs.

Webinar Host and Cost:

ReadyTalk Webinar

AMADC Members: $15
Non-Members: $25
Student Members: $5

About the Program:

Join R2integrated's Certified Google Analytics and Digital Marketing Strategist, Arden Kaley, as she provides you with an interactive and in-depth overview of the various features available in the Google Analytics platform and how to leverage them to best serve your business needs. Arden will begin with an introduction to provide you with a strong understanding of the tool, and then continue on to provide interactive exercises, ensuring you have a strong foundation in the latest version of the Google Analytics interface.

You will learn:

  • How Google Analytics works
  • Key features & capabilities of Google Analytics
  • How to create & generate reports in Google Analytics
  • How to create & apply filters, goals, and funnels in Google Analytics
  • How to analyze reports,goals & funnels in Google Analytics

Webinar Outline:

1) Overview of Standard Reporting
- Audience Reports
- Traffic Sources Reports
?????o How to use custom tracking URLs
- Content Reports
- Conversion Reports
?????o How to set up goals & funnels

2) Overview of Admin
- Review: how to Create Goals & Funnels
- How to Create Filters
- How to Track Site Searches
- Tracking Code Variations
?????o Single domains
?????o Cross domains
?????o Sub domains
- Review: how to Use Custom Tracking URLs

3) Arden?s Top 5: Reports You Have to Read

4) Arden?s Top 5: Settings You Must Set Up

5) Analytics Best Practices

6) Q&A Session

About the Speaker:

Arden KaleyArden Kaley, Digital Marketing Strategist, R2integrated

Arden works with a variety of R2i clients to develop and implement integrative digital marketing strategies. With a specialty in analysis and reporting, Arden measures the quality and effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns to recommend optimizations for improved performance over time. Using this data Arden is able to create monthly and yearly benchmark reports that measure online behavioral trends, evaluate the success of online marketing efforts, and identify opportunities for increased brand awareness and customer conversion.

Arden has worked with clients such as: Echo360, Winchester Homes, SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Rose NYC, BIO International Convention, and NIHFCU. She is Google Analytics and AdWords certified with proficiencies in Radian6, and a variety of email service providers such as Eloqua and WhatCounts/Publicaster.

Learning Partner


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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Usher Brings New Song 'Twisted' To MTV Wednesday!

R&B superstar will also debut exclusive 'Climax' and 'Scream' performance footage during 'MTV First: Usher,' airing at 7:54 p.m. ET.
By Kara Warner

<P>For all the <a href="">Usher</a> fans out there who have been eagerly awaiting the release of the seven-time Grammy winner's new album, <i>Looking 4 Myself,</i> MTV News has you covered: The R&B superstar will be offering fans a sneak peek of exclusive performance footage of his first two singles, "Climax" and "Scream," as well as the never-before-heard track "Twisted" produced by Pharrell during "MTV First: Usher."</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="Get Ready For 'MTV First: Usher'!" id="" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>This special event goes down Wednesday, May 16, at 7:54 p.m. ET on MTV, when the man himself, Usher Raymond, will be on hand to introduce the footage and the new single and will stick around for a meaty interview with MTV News' Sway Calloway to discuss his new album and more on Fans can submit questions via or Twitter @MTVNews with the hashtag #MTVFirst or #AskUsher.</P><P>The performances featured in "MTV First: Usher" were shot exclusively by MTV News during a special album-listening experience with the <a href="/news/articles/1684028/usher-fuerza-bruta-looking-for-myself.jhtml">off-Broadway show "Fuerza Bruta"</a> in New York City.</P><P>"I felt like the natural elements as well as the emotion of 'Fuerza Bruta' would definitely speak or be significant to some of the stories and I guess hopefully a connection [was there]," Usher told MTV News last month of tying the performance to his album. "When we began to explore different directions [for the performance like] maybe we use some of their music, maybe we use some of mine ... and before you knew it the idea came together."</P><P><i>Looking 4 Myself</i> will be released June 12 and is available for pre-order now at select retailers in both standard and deluxe editions.</P><P><b>Don't miss "MTV First: Usher" on Wednesday, May 16, at 7:54 p.m. ET on MTV, followed by a lengthy interview with the singer on!</b></p>

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Kristen Stewart Recalls 'Insane' Nudity In 'On The Road'

'Twilight' actress tells MTV News she thinks people are being 'a little uptight' about the film's sex scenes.
By Fallon Prinzivalli, with reporting by Josh Horowitz

Kristen Stewart
Photo: MTV News

For "Twilight" fans who thought the sex scene in "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" were revealing, Kristen Stewart hasn't showed you anything yet. When Stewart hits the big screen again in the film adaptation of Jack Kerouac's American classic "On the Road," she'll be revealing a lot more than skimpy lingerie. The film contains quite a few sex scenes, including a threesome between Stewart and co-stars Garrett Hedlund and Sam Riley. Talk about risqué!

"I wasn't scared, honestly," Stewart said in reference to the love scenes. "It's kind of insane to watch now. I'm like, 'Who is that?' But I think — as every actress says when they do this is — it just felt so right. It was so within a different world and so within a different environment that I don't even really feel — I mean, I am personally connected to it, of course — but it is something outside of myself."

The film follows young drifters Dean Moriarty and his best friend Sal Paradise as the epitome of the Beat Generation. After Sal's father dies, the duo embarks on a trip across America with Dean's wife Marylou, a 16-year-old with an affinity for marijuana and sex.

The actress revealed that although her character is sexually promiscuous, the role didn't bother her. "I have kind of no qualms about it either," she said. "I think people are a little uptight."

The starlet believes she felt comfortable in part due to director Walter Salles. "I felt so safe with Walter," she revealed. "Nothing was ever, ever about taking your clothes off."

Stewart's film will debut at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival along with her boyfriend Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis." When asked if there was a little healthy competition between her and her "Twilight" co-star, the actress said it's definitely there even though she hasn't been able to see his film yet.

"It's such weird timing. I think if it was us or them. I think we'd take the cake," the actress joked. "I haven't seen 'Cosmopolis' yet. I'm dying to see it. The first time I get to see it is actually in Cannes."

So, whose film will be better?

"Mine," Stewart said before breaking into a laugh.

Check out everything we've got on "On the Road" and "Cosmopolis."

For young Hollywood news, fashion and "Twilight" updates around the clock, visit

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Monday, May 14, 2012

PSA: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, Galaxy Player 4.2 now available online

PSA: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, Galaxy Player 4.2 now available online

Not willing to give up your old dumbphone, but still need something to feed your Android addiction? You're in luck: Samsung's serving up two devices today rocking Google's dessert themed OS, the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 and the Galaxy Player 4.2. Sammy's latest slate rings in at $400, buying 16GB of internal memory (expandable to 32GB via microSD), a 1GHz dual-core processor and a serving of Ice Cream Sandwich. The Galaxy Player 4.2, on the other hand, can be found munching Gingerbread for a mere $200. If you're looking for a new Galaxy that makes phone calls, however, you'll have to wait for the Galaxy S III.

PSA: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, Galaxy Player 4.2 now available online originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 13 May 2012 19:28:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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